Sources: Headings/Goals
“Unless we change our direction we will end up where we are heading.”
— Chinese proverb
- Peace and Security: Based on the World Peace Index, Institute for Economics and Peace, and Vision of Humanity and
- Abundance/Basic Human Need Index: Based on the Human Development Index, UNDP, and the Quality of Life index, International Living,
- Sustainability: Based on the Environmental Sustainability Index, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) of Columbia University, and the Environmental Performance Index, Yale University, and the Human Sustainable Development Index, UN Universitty, Our World 2.0, and the Ecological Footprint Index, Global Footprint Network, and the Happy Planet Index, and Global Water Risk Index, Global Water Intelligence (2011).
- Justice: Based on the Human Rights Index, School for a Culture of Peace, and Human Rights Index, University of Iowa,Center for Huiman Rights, and The Observer Human Rights Index, and The Cingranelli-Richards (CIRI) Human Rights Dataset, and the Universal Human Rights Index, and Amnesty International, Annual Report 2011, and Transparency International, the Corruption Perceptions Index, , and the Press Freedom Index, Reporters Without Borders,,1043.html and the Democracy Index, The Economist Intelligence Unit, and the Gender Gap Index, World Economic Forum,
- Efficiency: World Bank, World Development Indicators 2011, Energy use per units of GDP, and Cereal yield (kg per hectare), and Water Productivity, and World Resources Institute, Water Use per GDP.
- Happiness: Gross National Happiness Index, and the Happy Planet Index, Also: "Despite Woes, Conflicts, World a Happier Place than in 2007 as 22% (+2 points) of Global Citizens Say They’re ‘Very Happy’",
Sources: Level 1 Spaceship Earth
“Perspective is more important than IQ.”
— Nicholas Negroponte, former head of MIT Media Lab.
“The best way of understanding a system is to understand the system it fits into."”
— Howard Odum, ecologist
“We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.”
—R. Buckminster Fuller, designer, philosopher
- Speed of Earth Around the Sun: 107,218 km/h; 66,622 mph; NASA, Solar System Exploration, Earth:
- Speed of Sun Around Galaxy: 13,200 km/h; 9,000 mph;
- Speed of Galaxy: 2,156,459 km/h; 1.34 million mph;
- Speed of Earth Rotation at Equator: Arthur N. Cox, ed., Allen's Astrophysical Quantities p.244.; NASA Goddard Space Flight Center ; NASA. Odenwald, Sten.
- Speed of Earth Rotation at Northern Hemisphere (New York, London Beijing): 750 mph
- Mass/Weight of Earth: 5.97219E+21 MT (metric tons); NASA, Solar System Exploration, Earth:
- Earth's Receipt of Additional Matter Today (as meteorite dust: 1,000 tons per day; Earth Facts> March 10, 2011)
- Size of Earth Diameter & Circumference: 12,756 km; 7,926 mi; NASA, Solar System Exploration, Earth:
- Earth's Temperatures: Kump et al. The Earth System 3/E. Prentice Hall, USA: 2010 p.2
- Age of Planet Earth: Kump et al. The Earth System 3/E. Prentice Hall, USA: 2010 p.1
- Age of Life on Planet Earth:
- Number of Life Forms (Species):; John Lloyd (Topic Editor) "Biodiversity". In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth December 28, 2009; Last revised Date October 26, 2010]
- Distance Traveled by Earth to date: Distance Earth raved in 1 year times age of Earth; Every second: 18.5 miles; Every minute: 1110 miles; Every 24 hrs: 1,598,928 miles; Every year: 583.6 million miles; Since Earth began: 2,684,600 trillion miles
- Distance Traveled this Year: NASA, Solar System Exploration, Earth:
- Distance Traveled Today: 66,622 mph times 24 hours
- Distance Traveled Since Opening this Web Page: 66,622 times seconds since web page is opened
- Total Energy Coming Into Earth Each Day From Sun: NASA "Solar Radiation and Earth System ; 4.14 X 10^15 kWh/ year
- Average receipt of solar energy per square meter: 1368 W/m2 per minute; NASA "Solar Radiation and Earth System
- Number of Thunderstorms Right Now on Earth: 40,000/day; 1,800 right now; NOAA "Thunderstorm Basics." Last Updated: 15, October 2006; Bryson, Bill, A Short History of Nearly Everything, Random House, NY 2003 p.260
- Lightening Strikes Today: John E. Oliver (2005). Encyclopedia of World Climatology. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ISBN 978-1-4020-3264-6.; "Annual Lightning Flash Rate". National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Breed, Dan and Hensen, Bob, UCAR Communications "Lightning." Last Updated: 5 April 2000; 100/second; Bryson, Bill, A Short History of Nearly Everything, Random House, NY 2003 p.260
- Rainfall (entire Earth surface) today: 1050 millimeters per year; 88 millimeters per month; Pidwirny, M. (2006). "Global Distribution of Precipitation". Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition.
Sources: Level 2 Life Support Systems
- Total Energy Coming Into Earth Each Day From Sun: NASA "Solar Radiation and Earth System>
- Rainfall (entire Earth surface) today: 1050 millimeters per year; 88 millimeters per month; Pidwirny, M. (2006). "Global Distribution of Precipitation". Fundamentals of Physical Geography, 2nd Edition.
- Sea Ice Mass: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- C02: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Sea Level: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Global Temperature: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Ozone Hole: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Lightening Strikes: John E. Oliver (2005). Encyclopedia of World Climatology. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. ISBN 978-1-4020-3264-6.; "Annual Lightning Flash Rate". National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Breed, Dan and Hensen, Bob, UCAR Communications "Lightning." Last Updated: 5 April 2000; 100/second; Bryson, Bill, A Short History of Nearly Everything, Random House, NY 2003 p.260
- Number of Thunderstorms Right Now on Earth: 40,000/day; 1,800 right now; NOAA "Thunderstorm Basics." Last Updated: 15, October 2006; Bryson, Bill, A Short History of Nearly Everything, Random House, NY 2003 p.260
- Carbon Added to Atmosphere: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Topsoil Eroded From World Croplands: 75 billion tons of soil per year; costs the world about $400 billion per year, or approximately $70 per person per year. USDA. Land Degradation: An overview by H. ESWARAN, R. LAL and P. F. REICH;
- Desert Land Formed by Mismanagement: More than 12 million hectares of productive land are lost due to desertification every year, (46,332 sq/ miles; 127/day; 3,805 sq meters/sec.) UN Convention to Combat Desertification. Also: The Earth’s land surface is drier overall than it was in the early part of the 20th century. Dry area coverage has been growing at a rate of 1.74 percent per decade since the early 1980s. Dai, A. “Characteristics and trends in various forms of the Palmer Drought Severity Index during 1900-2008.” Journal of Geophysical Research 116 (2011).
- Earthquakes This Year (2.0 to 3.4 Richter scale): Dobson, Ken; Holman, John; Roberts, Michael. Physical Science, p.713. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.
- Earthquakes This Year (3.5 to 4.2 Richter scale): Dobson, Ken; Holman, John; Roberts, Michael. Physical Science, p.713. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.
- Earthquakes This Year (4.9 to 5.4 Richter scale): Dobson, Ken; Holman, John; Roberts, Michael. Physical Science, p.713. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.
- Earthquakes This Year (5.5 to 6.1): Dobson, Ken; Holman, John; Roberts, Michael. Physical Science, p.713. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.
- Earthquakes This Year (6.2-6.9): Dobson, Ken; Holman, John; Roberts, Michael. Physical Science, p.713. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.
- Earthquakes This Year (7.0 to 7.9): Dobson, Ken; Holman, John; Roberts, Michael. Physical Science, p.713. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.
- Human Population: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Database, electronic database:, updated 11 March 2009
- Forest Lost: UNEP, Our Planet Nature at Your Service, 2011. Chart: World Bank 2011.
- Land lost to urbanization: 29,500 square miles/76,405 square kilometers. "Cities to Grab Lands Equaling Size of Mongolia In Next 20 Years", ScienceDaily Sep. 15, 2011, Also: United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) 2011.
Sources: Level 3 Alarms
- Hungry, Malnourished: U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), "Global Hunger Declining, but Still Unacceptably High," policy brief (Rome, September 2010) and FAOSTAT.
- Overweight Adultd: 1.5 billion adults, 20 and older, are overweight. (43 million children under the age of 5 are overweight.) WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011. The meter assumes this figure is rising at a rate of one person every 10 seconds.
- Obese: 200 million men and 300 million women are obese. WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011. The meter assumes this figure is rising at a rate of one person every 10 seconds.
- Adults Dying as Result of Overweight and Obesity: 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese— the fifth leading cause of global dealths. WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011.
- Deaths: World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, United Nations Population Division; US Census Bureau;
- Obesity: 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese— the fifth leading cause of global dealths. WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011.
- Deaths: World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, United Nations Population Division; US Census Bureau;
- Food Lost or Wasted: According to the UN FAO, the figure is 3.56 tons/day. (Global Food Loss and Food Waste, p. 4. FAO, 2011.) According to Richard Dobbs, Jeremy Oppenheim, and Fraser Thompson, Mobilizing for a resource revolution, Mckinsey Global Institute, 2012, the amount is 10 million tons per day. Until this discrepancy is resolved, we are going with the FAO figure. My assumption is that the FAO figure is based on "the edible parts of food produced for human consumption" and the McKinsey report is based on total production.
- Deaths: World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, United Nations Population Division
- Population Living Slums: 827 million pople live in slums. Keeping Track of Our Changing Environment, UNEP 2011. (Note: A slum household is defined as a group of individuals living under the same roof lacking one or more of these conditions: access to improved water; access to improved sanitation; sufficient-living area; durability of housing; security of tenure.)
- People Without Access to Clean Water: 884 million people lack access to safe water supplies. World Health Organization. Safer Water, Better Health: Costs, benefits, and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health.
- People Without Access to Sanitation: 2.5 billion people lack access to improved sanitation, including 1.2 billion people who have no facilities at all. Lack of sanitation is the world’s biggest cause of infection. WHO,
- People Without Access to Electricity: IEA. 2010. Projected Costs of Generating Electricity. Paris: International Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- Forest Lost this year: 13 million hectares (50,193 square miles). UNEP, Keeping Treack of Our Changing Environment, p. 37. 2011; Also: UNEP, Our Planet Nature at Your Service, 2011
- Forests planted the year: 4.6 million hectares (17,760 square miles) which is 7% of the world's total planted forests (265 million hectares). UNEP, Keeping Treack of Our Changing Environment, p. 39. 2011.
- Land Lost to Urbanization: 2.89 million hectares per year. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
- Forced to Flee Home Due to Natural Disasters: 42 million in 2010. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre.
- Number of Life Forms:; John Lloyd (Topic Editor) "Biodiversity". In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment). [First published in the Encyclopedia of Earth December 28, 2009; Last revised Date October 26, 2010]
- Sea Ice Mass: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- CO2: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Sea Level: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Global Temperature: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Ozone Hole: "Significant Ozone Hole Remains Over Antarctica", Science Daily, Oct. 20, 2011, Also: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Carbon Added to Atmosphere: 29.5 billionn tons of C02; UNEP Yearbook, 2011, Key Environmental Indicators
- Topsoil Eroded: 25 billion tons per year.FAO, Restoring the land
- Desert Land Formed by Mismanagement: More than 12 million hectares of productive land are lost due to desertification every year, (46,332 sq/ miles; 127/day; 3,805 sq meters/sec.) UN Convention to Combat Desertification
- Earthquakes: Dobson, Ken; Holman, John; Roberts, Michael. Physical Science, p.713. Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.
- Human population dying in wars: 58,970 in 2011, Also: 50,000 total in 2010. World Bank, World Development Report 2011
- Civil Wars right now: 10 in 2010. World Bank, World Development Report 2011
- Military Expenditures: $1.620 trillion in 2010. Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) 2011. SIPRI Military Expenditure Database 2011,
- Number of Languages in World: 6,909, SIL International (formerly the Summer Institute of Linguistics) Languages of the World (ISBN 0883128152)
- Endangered Languages: 3,074, UNESCO, Institute for Statistics.
- Killed in Traffic Accidents: 1.2 million last year. Science Magazine, May 6, 2011 p. 657
- Injured in Traffic Accidents: 50 million last year. Science Magazine, May 6, 2011 p. 657
- Maternal Deaths: 345,000 total in world last year. U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Children Under 5 Who Died From Preventable Causes: 7.6 million in 2010.
- Human Waste Added to Oceans: 20 billion tons per year. Robert Costanza, John Cumberland, Herman Daly, Robert Goodland, Richard Norgaard, An Introduction to Ecological Economics
- Cost of Violence to Global Economy: $8.1 trillion per yea. rWorld Peace Index,
- People Dying From Water-Related Diseases: 3.575 million people die each year from water-related disease. World Health Organization. Safer Water, Better Health: Costs, benefits, and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health.
- Chart: Cost of Violence: World Bank, Global Monitoring Report 2011, p.30.
- Homicides: World total: 289,000. and
- Deaths from Cookfire Pollution so far this year: World Health Organization, 3 billion of the world's population cook over potentially toxic open fires; 2 million deaths annually can be linked to cookfire pollution.
Sources: Level 4 Population
- Human Population: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Database, electronic database:, updated 11 March 2009
- Deaths: US Census Bureau;; World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, United Nations Population Division
- Births: US Census Bureau;
- Net Population Increase this year: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects
- Human Population Added Today: Human population added per year divided by 365.
- People Living in Urban Areas: More than 3.5 billion people (over 51% of the world's total population) live in urban environments; Keeping Track of Our Changing Environment, UNEP 2011,
- People Added to Urban Areas this year: 200,000 people per day are added to urban environments. Keeping Track of Our Changing Environment, UNEP 2011,
- Population Living in Slums: 827 million pople live in slums. Keeping Track of Our Changing Environment, UNEP 2011. (Note: A slum household is defined as a group of individuals living under the same roof lacking one or more of these conditions: access to improved water; access to improved sanitation; sufficient-living area; durability of housing; security of tenure.)
- Forced to Flee Homes Due to Natural Disaster: 42 million in 2010. Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre.
Sources: Level 5 Food
“There is no more essential commodity than food. Without food, people perish, social and political organizations disintegrate, and civilizations collapse.” — Norman Borlaug
- Human Population: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Da tabase, electronic database:, updated 11 March 2009
- Human Population Added Today: Human population added per year divided by 365.
- Adequately Nourished: Chart based on world population of 7 billion, hungry/malnourished population of 925 million, malnourished/obese population of 1 billion,
- Food Produced for Human Consumption: UN/FAO
- Hungry/Malnourished: FAO, World Food Program, ;U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), "Global Hunger Declining, but Still Unacceptably High," policy brief (Rome, September 2010) and FAOSTAT.
- Food per person: UN/FAO
- Malnutrition-Caused Child Deaths: Save the Children, A Life Free From Hunger, 2012 Report:{9def2ebe-10ae-432c-9bd0-df91d2eba74a}/A%20LIFE%20FREE%20FROM%20HUNGER%20-%20TACKLING%20CHILD%20MALNUTRITION.PDF?msource=wessnmis1010
- IQ Points Lost Due to Iodine Deficiency: A Life Free From Hunger, 2012 Report:{9def2ebe-10ae-432c-9bd0-df91d2eba74a}/A%20LIFE%20FREE%20FROM%20HUNGER%20-%20TACKLING%20CHILD%20MALNUTRITION.PDF?msource=wessnmis1010
- Overweight Adults: 1.5 billion adults, 20 and older, are overweight. (43 million children under the age of 5 are overweight.) WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011. The meter assumes this figure is rising at a rate of one person every 10 seconds.
- Obese: 200 million men and 300 million women are obese. WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011. The meter assumes this figure is rising at a rate of one person every 10 seconds.
- Spent on Dieting in US: $40 billion. "Binge and purge", The Economist, 1-7-2012, p.78
- Cost to Feed All Undernourished People in the World: As little as $0.25 per day provides a person with all of the vitamins and nutrients he or she needs; 925 million undernourished people = $231.25 millionn per day, $84.4 billion per year. World Food Programme, 2011. These calculations assume that the 925 milion undernourished have no food, whiuch ius niot the case. Therefore, the total amount needed to feed all the undernourished people is closer to half this amount, if that.
- Sea Food Production: 144 million tons per year. FAO,
- Marine Fish Catch: 79 million tons per year. UNEP Yearbook, 2011 Key Environmental Indicators.
- Forest lost: 13 million hectares per year. Our Planet—Nature at Your Service; UNEP, 2011.
- Food Lost or Wasted this year: According to the UN FAO, the figure is 3.56 tons/day. According to Richard Dobbs, Jeremy Oppenheim, and Fraser Thompson, Mobilizing for a resource revolution, Mckinsey Global Institute, 2012, the amount is 10 million tons per day. Until this discrepancy is resolved, we are going with the FAO figure.
- Calories Consumed so far this year: Average human needs around 2,200 calories a day, or 15,400,000,000,000 (15.4 trillion) calories for everyone in the world. 5,621 trillion calories are consumed annually at 2200 calories per day, or 178.2 million per second.
- Food Wasted by Consumers in High-Income Countries: 222 million tons per year. Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing. The report of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability, 2012.
- Entire Food Production of sub-Saharan Africa: 230 million tons per year. Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing. The report of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability, 2012.
Sources: Level 6 Energy
- Total Energy Coming Into Earth Each Day From Sun: NASA "Solar Radiation and Earth System>
- Human Energy Consumption: International Energy Agency. Key World Energy Statistics 2010
- People without access to electricity: IEA. 2010. Projected Costs of Generating Electricity. Paris: International Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Also:
- Fossil Fuel Subsidies: $409 billion in 2010. OECD. "OECD and IEA recommend reforming fossil-fuel subsidies to improve the economy and the environment",3746,en_21571361_44315115_48804623_1_1_1_1,00.html More info on fossil fuel subsidies at and at
- World Oil Consumption: International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2011, and World Bank Global Statistics and
- World Coal Consumption: International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2011, and
- World Natural Gas Consumption: International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2011,
- Electricity Consumption:
- People Without Access to Electricity: IEA. 2010. Projected Costs of Generating Electricity. Paris: International Energy Agency, Nuclear Energy Agency, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
- Carbon Added to the Atmosphere: 29.5 billionn tons of C02; UNEP Yearbook, 2011, Key Environmental Indicators
- CO2: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
Sources: Level 7 Health
- Human Population: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Database, electronic database:, updated 11 March 2009
- Unintended Pregnancies: 80 million in 2010. U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Unsafe Abortions: 20 million in 2010. U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Deaths From Unsafe Abortions: 47,000 in 2010. U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Children under the age of five who die from preventable causes: 7.6 million in 2010.
- Human Population Added Today: Human population added per year divided by 365.
- Hungry/Malnourished People: FAO, World Food Program, ;U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), "Global Hunger Declining, but Still Unacceptably High," policy brief (Rome, September 2010) and FAOSTAT.
- Overweight Adults: 1.5 billion adults, 20 and older, are overweight. (43 million children under the age of 5 are overweight.) WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011. The meter assumes this figure is rising at a rate of one person every 10 seconds.
- Obese: 200 million men and 300 million women are obese. WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011. The meter assumes this figure is rising at a rate of one person every 10 seconds.
- Adults Dying per year as Result of Overweight or Obesity: 2.8 million adults die each year as a result of being overweight or obese— the fifth leading cause of global dealths. WHO, Obesity and Overweight Fact sheet # 311. March, 2011.
- Deaths: World Population Prospects: The 2010 Revision, United Nations Population Division; US Census Bureau;
- People Without Access to Clean Water: 884 million people lack access to safe water supplies. World Health Organization. Safer Water, Better Health: Costs, benefits, and sustainability of interventions to protect and promote health. Chart: World Bank data 2011.
- People Dying in Wars: World Bank, World Development Report 2011
- Killed in Traffic Accidents: 1.3 million last year. Science Magazine, May 6, 2011 p. 657
- Injured in Traffic Accidents: 50 million last year. Science Magazine, May 6, 2011 p. 657
- Maternal Deaths: 345,000 per year. U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Unintended Pregnancies: 80 million per year. U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA)
- Unsafe Abortions so far this year: 47,000 per year. U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA
- Children Under The Age of 5 Who Died From Preventable Causes: 7.6 million in 2010.
- People Dying From Water-Related Diseases: 3,575,000 per year. World Health Organization
- Cost of Treating Illnesses Associated with Obesity: $147 billion per year in US; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention;
- Deaths form Malaria: "Global malaria mortality between 1980 and 2010: a systematic analysis", The Lancet, Feb. 2012,
- Deaths from Cookfire Pollution so far this year: World Health Organization, 3 billion of the world's population cook over potentially toxic open fires; 2 million deaths annually can be linked to cookfire pollution.
Sources: Level 8 Education
Sources: Level 9 Communications
- Internet Searches this year: comScore, State of the Internet, 139 billion/month; 1.668 trillion/year;
- Internet Users: International Telecommunications Union, ITC Facts and Figures 2011. 2.45 billion users; 35% of world population of 7 billion.
- Books Published this year: 3,092,740 in 2010. R.R. Bowker, Book Industry Statistics 2011
- Emails sent: 349 billion per day, 127.3 trillion per year. Radicati Group, Pingdom,
- Emails as spam: 89.1% of emails are spam. MessageLabs Intelligence: 2010 Annual Security ReportPingdom,
- Email Users: Pingdom,
- Online Spending this year: $572.5 billion in 2010, rising to $963 billion 2013. Goldman Sachs, Nothing But Net: 2011 Internet Investment Guide. Internet Retailer,
- Video Uploaded to YouTube this year: One hour every second is uploaded to YouTube,
- Videos Viewed on YouTube so far this year: 3 billion views per day. Business Marketing Association,
- Text Messages Sent this year: International Telecommunications Union, ITC Facts and Figures 2010.
- Mobile-Cellular Subscriptions: 5.9 billion in 2011. International Telecommunications Union, ITC Facts and Figures 2011.
- Movies Released this year: Total of 9,202 in 2009, latest year data is available. UNESCO Institute of Statistics. PDF download of data:
- Apps Released so far this year: "One Million Mobile Apps, and Counting at a Fast Pace", New York Times,
- Websites: NetCraft. 555,482,744 sites, Dec. 2011.
- Web-Connected Devices: There are 14 billion devices connected to the internet in 2012. By 2020 there will be 50 billion. Increase rate is 4 billion per year. CISCO, "50 billion devices online by 2020", There is some dispute regarding these numberfs: Cisco predicts there will be 50 billion devices by 2020. IBM recently put the number at 1 trillion devices by 2015. Also see:
- Advertising Spending this year: Total: $502 billion in 2011. GroupM,
- Time Spent Playing Computer and online games so far this year: 180 million active gamers in US; 429 million in world; worldwide: 3 billion hours/week; 156 billion hours/year.
- Domain Names: 137 million active domains, 2012. Increasing 7% per year. DomainTools,
Sources: Level 10 Economics
- Human Population: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects: The 2008 Revision Population Database, electronic database:, updated 11 March 2009
- Net Population Increase this year: United Nations Population Division, World Population Prospects
- Minerals, Ores, Fossil Fuels, Plant Materials Used this year: Total world resource use:
- Added to Global Middle Class: The global middle class is defined as all those living in households with daily per capita incomes of between US$10 and US$100 in purchasing power parity terms. (Resilient People, Resilient Planet: A future worth choosing. The report of the United Nations Secretary-General’s High-level Panel on Global Sustainability, 2012. Also: Richard Dobbs, Jeremy Oppenheim, and Fraser Thompson, Mobilizing for a resource revolution, Mckinsey Global Institute, 2012. "From 1980 to 2009, the global middle class grew by around 700 million people, to 1.8 billion, from roughly 1.1 billion. Over the next 20 years, it is likely to grow by an additional 3 billion, to nearly 5 billion people. The world has never before witnessed income growth of this speed and magnitude: China and India are doubling their real per capita incomes at about ten times the pace England achieved during the Industrial Revolution and at around 200 times the scale." Therefore: 3 billion over over 20 years = 150 million per year = 4.76 per second.
- Goods and Services Produced in World this year: $65 trillion, IMF, as published in The Economist, 5-3--2011.
- Environmental Cost oif Industry: $846 billion per year. KGMP, Expect the Unexpected: Building business value in a changing world, 2012,
- Living on $10 or less per day: Shaohua Chen and Martin Ravallion, The developing world is poorer than we thought, but no less successful in the fight against poverty, World Bank, August 2008.
- Chart: Living on $1.25 per day: World Bank, Global Monitoring Report 2011, p.13.
Sources: Level 11 Climate
- Total Energy Coming Into Earth Each Day From Sun: NASA "Solar Radiation and Earth System ; 4.14 X 10^15 kWh/ year
- Sea Ice Mass: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Ice Loss From Greenland and Antarctica: "Study shows global glaciers, ice caps, shedding billions of tons of mass annually",
- C02: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Carbon Added to Atmosphere this year: 29.5 billionn tons of C02; UNEP Yearbook, 2011, Key Environmental Indicators
- Global Temperature: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs, Also: "NASA Finds 2011 Ninth-Warmest Year On Record"
- Sea Level: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs,
- Ozone Hole:"Significant Ozone Hole Remains Over Antarctica", Science Daily, Oct. 20, 2011, Also: NASA, Earth's Vital Signs, Image:The ozone hole over the Antarctic in September 2011. The largest Antarctic ozone hole was measured in September 2006. Full recovery of the Antarctic ozone layer is not expected until after 2050, NOAA.
- Human Energy Consumption this year: International Energy Agency. Key World Energy Statistics 2010
- Forest Lost this year: UNEP, Our Planet Nature at Your Service, 2011
- World Oil Consumption this year: International Energy Agency, Key World Energy Statistics 2011, and World Bank Global Statistics and
- World Coal Consumption this year:
- World Natural Gas Consumption this year
- Fossil Fuel Subsidies so far this year:
- Minerals, Ores, Fossil Fuels, Plant Materials Used this year:
- Total Waste Production:
- Deaths Due To Climate Change this year: Every year climate change leaves over 300,000 people
dead. The Anatomy of A Silent Crisis, Human Impact Report Climate Change, Global Humanitarian Forum 2010.
- Seriously Affected by Climate Change this year: 25 million people seriously affected by climate change. The Anatomy of A Silent Crisis, Human Impact Report Climate Change, Global Humanitarian Forum 2010.
- Economic Losses Due to Climate Change this year: Economic losses from climate change were $125 billion. The Anatomy of A Silent Crisis, Human Impact Report Climate Change, Global Humanitarian Forum 2010.
Sources:Level 12 Goals
The Earth Dashboard data sources include statistics from the following:

World Bank World Development Indicators
World Bank Global Development Finance
World Bank Africa Development Indicators
World Bank The Changing Wealth of Nations
World Bank Climate Change Data
World Bank Knowledge Economy Index
World Bank Global Statistics
World Bank Population Projections
World Bank Information and Communication (ICT) At-a-Glance Tables
World Bank AidFlows
World Bank EDStats
World Bank Poverty
World Health Organization (WHO) Global Health Observatory (GHO)
WHO Statistical Information System (WHOSIS)
WHO Global Health Atlas
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
United Nations World Tourist Organization (UNWTO)
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
UN Data
UN Cartographic
MDG Statistical Indicators
Food Security Statistics (FAO)
UN Dept. of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
International Telecommunications Union Statistics
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
US State Department Country Reports
US ERS/USDA International Data set
US Census International Database
US Energy Information Agency
US National Climate Data Center (NCDC)
US Geological Survey
US Mineral Resource Data System
US National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)
US National Bureau of Economic Research Data
US Securities and Exchange Commission, EDGAR database
NASA data
Bureau of Economic Analysis International Accounts Data
Office for National Statistics (ONS) (UK)
International Emergency Disasters Database (EMDAT)
International Air Transport Association (IATA)
International Trade Administration
International Energy Agency
Institute of Shipping Economics and Logistics
International Road Federation (IRF)
International Economic Statistics (IES)
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)
Country Watch
Country Reports
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Worldwide Importing/Exporting Companies
The Economist- Country Briefings
The Economist Intelligence Unit
Open Corporates
World Culture resources
World Religions
World Values
Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) World Data Center (Columbia University)
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)
Penn World Tables (PWT)
UC Atlas of Global Inequality
AquaMaps Environmental Dataset
World Resources Institute, Earth Trends
Earth Policy Institute data sets
World Watch Institute data sets
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP), University of Uppsala, Sweden
International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PRIO) Armed Conflict Dataset
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) Armed Conflict Database
International Centre for Prison Studies, King’s College London, World Prison Brief
Institute for Economics and Peace
Transparency International, Corruption Perception Index
EM-DAT International Disaster Database (Office of Foreign Disaster Aid and Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters [CRED] at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium)
Statistical Sites on the World Wide Web
International Labour Organization (ILO)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
Development Gateway
Billion Prices Project (MIT)
World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases
Reporters Without Borders, Freedom of Press
Global Adaptation Index
World Economic Forum,?Gender Gap Index
US Debt clock
Population Reference Bureau
HIV/AIDS indicators
Youth data
inforplease World Statistics
Global Issues stats
Global cancer
Global Mobile stats
Global wind stats
Global Wave Stats
Internet World Stats
Counterfeiting stats
OCLC -Libraries
Global Tire Stats
Global Warming stats
Publisher's Association stats
World Hunger 2011
Climate Analysis Indicators Tool